BECO 2.0 Image Gallery

Created on: Monday 26 June 2006

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thumbs/engine 004.jpg
Crankshaft showing main bearings and timing gear.
You can also see the oil hole in the crank pin.
thumbs/engine 005.jpg
You can see the indexing pin in the timing gear.
To the right of the gear is the prop. stop bushing.
thumbs/engine 006.jpg
The cam shaft, bearing and gear.
thumbs/engine 007.jpg
The cam bearing and gear assembled.
thumbs/engine 008.jpg
The piston and rod. You can see the rod bearings,
rings, and oil holes in the bottom side of the piston.
thumbs/engine 011b.jpg
Cylinder head showing the valves and glow plug hole.
The larger intake valve runs cooler and is not burned.
thumbs/engine 013.jpg
Cylinder head, top side. Showing valve springs and glow plug.
thumbs/engine 014.jpg
Rear cover with distributor mount and crankcase vent
thumbs/engine 018b.jpg
Rear cover showing crankcase drain plug
thumbs/engine 019.jpg
Left half of crankcase.
thumbs/engine 020.jpg
Left half of crankcase with crankshaft installed.
thumbs/engine 021.jpg
Oil pan with oil pump installed.
thumbs/engine 023b.jpg
Another view of oil pan and pump.
thumbs/engine 027b.jpg
Oil Pump and mount.
thumbs/engine 028.jpg
Oil pump and mount showing the cam bearing.
thumbs/engine 029b.jpg
Oil pump and mount assembled.
thumbs/engine 030.jpg
Left half of crankcase, oil pump, cam and oil pan assembled.
thumbs/engine 031.jpg
Rear of engine showing the oil pump mounting area.
You can also see the end of the camshaft.
The holes to the left of the crank are pressure vents.
thumbs/engine 032.jpg
View of oil pump with pump cover removed.
thumbs/engine 033.jpg
Left piston and main bearing caps installed.
thumbs/engine 037.jpg
Right crankcase side coming together.
thumbs/engine 048b.jpg
The engine completely assembled.

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