Glens Machine Shop

Welcome to Glen's CNC Corner.

Here is my little part of the CNC world.
I have a few things here that you might like
to look at and some G-Code that you can download.
All G-Code is tested to run on an LinuxCNC System.
Here is a video of my home-made CNC machine with Auto-Changer.
June 4, 2010
Wheel G-Code:
Here is the the G-Code to make a wooden wheel. The wheel diameter is approx. 3.3 inches, and 1/2 inch thick. This is just something that I was using to test my CNC machine. Put an axel in it and make a spinning top.
Click to Download
picture of wheel
June 29, 2010
G-Code to make a Stepper controller circuit board.
Make your own L6203/L297 Bi-polar Stepper Driver.  
Here is the the G-Code to make a stepper driver pc board.
This is what I used to make drivers for my CNC controller. It uses the L6203 5-Amp driver chips and the L297 sequencer. This will cut all traces and drill holes for all components, even the large mounting holes - with a 1/32 endmill cutter. The finished single sided PC board measures 4 inches square.

This is a zipped file that includes :

  • The G-code (optimized)
  • A parts list with suppliers
  • Parts placement diagrams.
  • Pictures of a finished board
  • A brief description of setup and use

Click to Download
pic of circuit board
Nov 8, 2010
G-Code to make a Parallel Port Interface circuit board.
Use this board to connect your stepper controllers to your computer.
This circuit board has connections for 4 stepper driver boards. It can be configured to slave two motors together and has a 10 amp relay for spindle control. It also has provision for a motor enable signal. This is also a part of my own CNC controller. All I/O signals are buffered with 74LS14 inverters. This circuit also includes a 5VDC power supply that feeds the stepper drivers. The finished board size is 5-1/2 x 3-5/16, single sided.

This is a zipped file that includes :

  • The G-code (optimized)
  • A parts list with suppliers
  • Parts placement diagrams.
  • Pictures of a finished board
  • A brief description of setup and use

Click to Download
pic of circuit board


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