Plans for the BECO 2.0

Here are the drawings. I have made the new drawings to reflect the recent changes I have made, mixed with the changes that I should have made. Some minor details are not shown in the drawings. It should be obvious as to what is needed.
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to Send me Email

The plans are in DXF and PDF format. The FIG format is no longer used.

Please note the update column to see if you
need to get the latest drawings.

Note:The drawings are now complete (18-Jan-2010).
The Crankcase drawing was a bit crowded so I made a pdf with no hidden lines, and another one with no hidden lines and no dimensions.
I recommend using the DXF files.

All drawings were drawn with QCad on a Linux System. You can get a free demo version of QCad (Windows or Linux) from RibbonSoft.Com

PDF formatDXF format last updated
Crankcase (no hidden).PDF
Crankcase (no dim).PDF
Crankcase.DXF 18-Jan-2010
Main bearing Detail.PDF Main bearing Detail DXF18-Jan-2010
Crank Case Covers.PDF Crank Case Covers.DXF18-Jan-2010
Crankshaft.PDF Crankshaft.DXF18-Jan-2010
Cylinder and Sleeve.PDF Cylinder and Sleeve.DXF18-Jan-2010
Cyl. Head.PDF Cyl. Head.DXF18-Jan-2010
Rocker.PDF Rocker.DXF18-Jan-2010
Oilpan.PDF Oilpan.DXF18-Jan-2010
Con-Rod.PDF Con-Rod.DXF18-Jan-2010
Oil-Pump.PDF Oil-Pump.DXF18-Jan-2010
Camshaft.PDF Camshaft.DXF18-Jan-2010
Cam Timing.PDF Cam Timing.DXF18-Jan-2010
Piston.PDF Piston.DXF18-Jan-2010
Valve.PDF Valve.dxf18-Jan-2010
Propellor Base PDF Propellor Base DXF18-Jan-2010
Oil Pipe PDF Oil-Pipe DXF18-Jan-2010
Composite Side PDF Composite Side DXF18-Jan-2010
Composite Front PDF Composite Front DXF18-Jan-2010
Zipped Set PDF Zipped Set DXF18-Jan-2010
New drill chart pg 1
New drill chart pg 2

The new drill chart has drill sizes for 90%, 75% and 60% threads.
When using small taps in steel it is sometimes difficult to get the threads tapped without breaking the tap. You can use a smaller percentage of threads for an easier to tap hole.

13028 hits since February 23, 2016
