Progress----------------|-->Pic. of Engine in my hand |-->Status as of Nov, 2003 |-->page 2 of progress----->| | |-->Designing the cyl. head and halve train |-->Making the valves |-->Making the con. rod |-->The evolution of the oil pan |-->An early composite drawing of the engine. Design considerations------>Cubic inch calculator Plans in GIF PDF FIG format, also tap and drill charts Engine Specifications Technical Articles------|-->Milling a camshaft lobe |-->Designing the cyl. head and halve train |-->Walshaw piston ring article #1 |-->Walshaw piston ring article #2 |-->Cam lobe design (PDF - Westbury) |-->How to make die cast pistons 1 (PDF) |-->How to make die cast pistons 2 (PDF) |-->Muffler design (PDF - Westbury) |-->Gear tutorial (PDF Boston Gear) |-->Gear theory (PDF Boston Gear) |-->Bearing Design Guide |-->Sleeve bearings BECO 2.0 Assembly Pictures The plane Design Calculators-----| |---->Cubic Inch Calculator |---->Bearing Calculator |---->Bearing Calculator (java) Other Projects What is this site?--------->Design considerations--->Cubic inch calculator About me Crankshaft balancer Foundry-------------------->Castings----------|----->A preliminary drawing of crankcase |----->The BECO 2.0 Logo Really old stuff----------->My first engine---|--->Plans for my first eng. |--->Update Feb 1, 2000 |--->Update Feb 13, 2000 |--->April 8, 2000 The new cam |--->Sept. 2000 Redesign it! The Store |--->The crankcase |--->The crank shaft----------->Crank shaft drawing Links |--->Making the valves-----|--->Stainless steel |--->The valve seat |--->Valve spring keepers Engine Specifications |--->The cylinder liners Send me email